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13 Apr 2021

projekt Yes We Plan!

Cilj projekta je, da se evidentirajo mehanizmi, s katerimi bi poskusili zmanjšati razlike med spoloma, predvsem v tipično moških poklicih kot sta gradbeni inženir in arhitekt. S pomočjo analiz v posameznih državah in prenosov dobrih praks se bodo pripravila priporočila za ukrepanje tako za politiko, poklicne organizacije kot za izobraževalne ustanove.

Več informacij na spletnem mestu projekta YesWePlan! kjer ste vabljeni k reševanju ankete o položaju inženirjev in inženirk v poklicnem okolju.

V projektu YesWePlan! v sklopu Erasmus+ sodelujejo partnerji iz Nemčije, Francije, Avstrije, Slovenije in Španije.

V okviru projekta je potekala okrogla miza ‘Ostati ženska poklicu: izzivi arhitekt in inženirk’. Posnetek dogodka si lahko ogledate na spodnji povezavi:

3 Jan 2021

dogodki v organizaciji ISRM in ISSMGE – povezavi

3 Jan 2021

21. Šukljetov dan, četrtek 30. september 2021 ob 13.15

Spoštovane članice, spoštovani člani SloGeD!



  • v četrtek, 30. 9. 2021 na enourno predavanje prof. Nicholasa R. Bartona, ki nam bo v sklopu 21. Šukljetovega dne predstavi predavanje: »Application of the Q-system to tunnels and caverns in weak or faultedrock«. Predavanje je brezplačno in bo potekalo preko video-aplikacije. Prosimo za potrditev udeležbe preko elektronske pošte ( najkasneje do torka, 28.9.2021. Povezavo na on line predavanje boste prejeli dan pred dogodkom, ter
  • v petek, 1. 10. 2021 na strokovno ekskurzijo s predavanjem na temo »Gradnja prometnic v krasu« pod vodstvom Inštituta za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SASU. Dr. Martin Knez bo predstavil vlogo inštituta in izsledke pri načrtovanju in gradnjah prometnic v krasu (naravna dediščina – odkritja novih kraških fenomenov). Začetek predavanja bo ob 10. uri v Postojnski kinodvorani.

Žal smo morali sprva planirano tehnično ekskurzijo na območje gradnje 2. tira prestaviti, saj ogled za večje skupine trenutno še ni možen. Glede na to smo v program terenskega ogleda vključili ogled kraških fenomenov na našem matičnem Krasu.

Suzana Svetličič in Mojca Ravnikar Turk

3 Jan 2021

ICSMGE 2021, Sydney – 1. do 5. maj 2022

Konferenca je bila prestavljena: obvestilo z dne 17. 9. 2021:

The Local Organising Committee (LOC) for the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics (ICSMGE) wishes to advise some important Conference changes. These changes, made in response to the global Covid-19 situation, were agreed after discussion and with the approval of the ISSMGE Board. We would like to thank the Board Members for their wisdom and understanding in these difficult circumstances.

The 20th ICSMGE will be held in Sydney from
1st to 5th of May 2022

Technical sessions and other Conference activities will be delivered on-site in Sydney on the scheduled dates and we will also deliver most sessions virtually. Conference delegates will be able to register to attend either in-person on-site, or virtually via the Conference registration portal.

The hybrid model ensures that all authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to present, even if they are not able to travel to Sydney. Furthermore, for the very first time in the 85 years history of ISSMGE, all 21,000 individual members will have the opportunity to access the huge range of technical content presented on-line at ICSMGE 2022 – a remarkable opportunity for individuals to be part of this premier event!

At the same time as ensuring accessibility to the Conference for a global audience on-line, we are planning an exciting in-person program for those who will travel to Sydney. If you can make it in-person, you will participate in the virtual sessions alongside colleagues around the world AND have access to additional technical sessions, site visits, exhibitions and social functions dedicated to the in-person registrants. A range of exciting events is planned, extending Australian hospitality and making this a memorable event for all involved.


Will you be able to travel to Sydney in May 2022?

  • We certainly hope so and expect so! At the time of writing (September 2021), the Australian Government is exercising strict control of our borders, because of the global Covid-19 situation. However, Australia is determined to open its borders as soon as possible, once vaccination levels within the Australian community reach target levels. Current projections are that these targets should be reached by the end of 2021.

Will the cost for virtual registration be less than for in-person attendance?

  • If you can’t make it to Sydney, reduced registration fees will apply for the virtual delivery mode. These are still being finalised, but they will be set at 75% of the in-person attendance registration fee.

If Covid-19 circumstances change, will I be able to change my registration?

  • Yes, you will also be able to change your registration type up to 1 April 2022, so don’t worry if circumstances change.

How can I keep updated on the rules for travel into Australia?

  • At this stage, the regulations for travellers entering Australia in May next year are not defined by the Australian Government. For those delegates considering international travel to Australia, it is recommended to regularly review the Australian Government website – COVID-19 and the border ( for the latest advice. We are monitoring the situation closely and will provide updates via the ICSMGE website and other communications. Register with the 20th ICSMGE for updates:

What are the updated dates for Conference registration?

  • Registrations Open 1 December 2021
  • Early Bird Registration Closes 1 March 2022

Na hibridi kongres se je možno registrirati. Registracija je na spodnji povezavi:

11 Jan 2020

EUROCK 2022 CONFERENCE September 12-15, 2022, Helsinki, Finland

You are invited to reunite with your colleagues on solid bedrock at the EUROCK 2022 – Rock and Fracture Mechanics in Rock Engineering and Mining in Espoo, Helsinki-region, Finland, 12 to 15 September 2022. The conference themes include but are not limited to latest advances in rock mechanics, interesting mining and rock engineering cases, and engineering education. The conference includes parallel sessions, short courses, workshops and excursions. 

The call for papers is now open, scroll down for more information!

Should the COVID-19 situation allow, the conference will be held in the Dipoli conference center in Espoo near the Aalto University campus in the Helsinki region. The touristic city of Helsinki will be at your disposal with its underground and above ground marvels. Virtual participation with networking possibilities will be offered in parallel. 

več informacij je na

18 Jul 2019

SloGeD – nevladna organizacija v javnem interesu

Spoštovani člani SlOGeD,

Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport je Slovenskemu geotehniškemu društvu dne 22.5.2019 podelilo status nevladne organizacije v javnem interesu na področju raziskovalne dejavnosti.  

S to odločbo je društvu prenehal ‘status delovanja v javnem interesu na področju raziskovalne dejavnosti’, ki je bil društvu dodeljen dne 5. 10 2006.

Za delovanje društva nov status ne predstavlja nobenih bistvenih sprememb. Edina sprememba, ki se zahteva, se nanaša na prenos premoženja društva v primeru, da društvo preneha z delovanjem (prenos se mora izvršiti na drugo nevladno organizacijo).

Podobne spremembe statusa bodo deležna tudi druga društva, ki so delovala v javnem interesu.

SloGed nevladna organizacija v Javnem interesu

Mojca Ravnikar Turk